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Stephen Evans


Age: 47

pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Gay

Species: Human (Magan)

Close Friend: Katelyn

Partner: Allen

Appearance Description

Stephen has sand coloured skin, grey eyes, and greying brown hair, thats teased upwards and combed over. When he's, for once, not in his nurses uniform. He's wearing jeans, and a blue, yellow, green, and red pastel shirt.


"I met Allen when I moved to Brambleberry. Incredible really, considering we grew up in neighboring towns, AND went to the same school."

"I probably just assumed you where a nerd and didn't talk to you" Allen shouted over from the kitchen.

"And I probably couldn't see you over my good grades!"

Stephen is from Islles. He grew up with a single mother, who was also a Magan. She taught him magic from a early age, mostly healing magic as he was very accident prone as a child.

As he got older, he started to want to learn more about non-magic medicine. And enrolled in "Cranberry's school of magic and scientific healing"

Where he studied for many years, before getting the job at the neighboring towns (Brambleberry) hospital.

There, he met Allen.

Quick Facts!

  • Stephen has social anxiety, he's fine talking to patients, but he struggles with talking to people in everyday life. "Why can I stab someone with a needle but not order a coffee."
  • He enjoys gardening, he has notebooks filled with the best times to sow what.